Weboteric - Astrology
Astrology - The 12 Houses

We are born at a given moment, in a given place and, like vintage years of wine, we have the qualities of the year and of the season of which we are born. Astrology does not lay claim to anything more.

Carl Jung

Astrology Chart
Astrological symbol or glyph for the sun The Sun is in Leo Astrology symbol for Leo, one of the Zodiac Signs

The Moon is: Waxing Gibbous

From the ascendant, the astrologer calculates the twelve houses that follow around the great circle. Astrological Houses show where a particular energy will manifest.

Astrology Houses Chart

The Houses



The First House can be seen as pure expression of identity and projection of being.


Difficult planetary placements in the second house undermine the feeling of self-worth and create fixations as regards financial security


Brothers and sisters are shown here, as well as the early school years. As a child, most education matters are related to the third house


Difficult planetary placements in the fourth house of astrology will show the troubles one has in domestic matters.


Harmony between the fifth houses of partners is important in a relationship.


Our physical health is influenced by the Sixth House.


Both friends and enemies are illustrated in the seventh house.


As the Fifth House is related to romance - the Eighth House is related to sex.


Higher education and insight are illustrated in the Ninth House after the dross has been removed in the Eighth.


Planets transiting the tenth house can often provide flashes of clarity and insight.


Ill placed planets in the eleventh astrological house will cause difficulty in social integration.


As the karmic wheel turns the twelth house is also the house of sacrifice and acceptance - dissolving the material in the cauldron of the spirit.


From the ascendant, the astrologer calculates the twelve houses that follow around the great circle. Houses show where a particular energy will manifest.

This is why you may read that 'Venus, being favourably aspected in the fifth house, will bode well for love'. Venus, the planet of love being in the house of romance.

Each house will manifest energies of a star sign differently, of course. The energy of Aries will be a potent force for wealth when focused through the second or tenth houses; focussed through the eleventh house that energy will gain many friends.

Just as the signs are divided into Cardinal, Fixed and Mutable, the Houses are divided into Angular, Succedent and Cadent.

When we draw an individual's chart we look at all these factors - the sun signs, the houses, the aspects (how the planets relate to each other and the signs) - to develop the analysis. It's no wonder that we are all different with so many cosmic factors contributing to our spirit.

The chart below gives an indication of the area of influence of each house.

House Area of Influence and Manifestation Association


Projection of self, the outer personality.

This house, often considered being foremost, guides the projection of the personality into the outer world.

It is, therefore, effectively related to the personal appearance, and in particular to the head.

A subject's self awareness and self absorption is defined by the first house.

Planets placed here play a dominant role in personal character and have high visibility. The individual identifies strongly with them for good or ill.

This house is also connected with the actual birth process, and the cusp of the first house - the Ascendant - is the point of transition from non-being into being.

The First House can be seen as pure expression of identity and projection of being.





Rewards from effort, financial security in general.

The Second House is concerned with how we respond to or field whatever impulses or unique and personal qualities we manifest via our first house.

This is how we hold or "have" things (possessions, material goods, money, and the like).

The Second House always refers to how we secure ourselves, the kind of response we get from life and those around us. There is a strong connection with possessions, assets and sense of self worth.

Accordingly - This house is very much connected with finances and personal income, and personal talents which are directly related to earning capacity.

Difficult planetary placements in this house undermine the feeling of self-worth and create fixations as regards financial security.





Short journeys and communications.

The Third House is concerned with explorations, investigations, and inquiry and research of all kinds.

It also rules connections, communications, wires, tubes -- anything that we can get through with our body, mind, voice, letters, what-have-you.

It is here that we explore and search for the limits of our life, whatever we are working with at the moment.

A very mental house, concerned with finding, furthering, peering, and all manner of questioning.

Traditionally it rules short journeys. Transport, communications and experiences connected with these things will be reflected by planetary positions in this house

The Third House describes mental abilities, and experiences during the course of life connected with learning and communication.

Brothers and sisters are also shown here, as well as the early school years. As a child, most education matters are related to this house





Domestic affairs, the life of the hearth.

The Fourth House defines the foundation of our life - the domestic situation and intimate environment. It is the end of any searching we might have done in the third house.

Here we find or end our search, settle down, and manage to get in possession of the whole situation. This is our home and the base from which we can work, feel, and experience. This is the root of our experience, the core or thick of it.

The Fourth House is also connected to personal ancestry - normally on the father's side.

Difficult planetary placements will show the troubles one has in domestic matters.


The Moon



Family and children via, of course, romance.

The Fifth House is concerned with family resources in the form of children and the expression of creativity.

Self-development through childhood is expressed by the planets in this house. Later in life this turns to romance and loving relationships. The joy in living is expressed here too.

Harmony between the fifth houses of partners is important in a relationship.


The Sun



Health, service and work in specific jobs - also pets!

The Sixth House has to do with health and the relationship to our working environment and duties. Planets here will illustrate the advantages and challenges that these present to us.

It is also representative of our general responsibilities, developing and dividing the good from the bad in our life experience.

Our physical health is influenced by the Sixth House.





External relationships, marriage and partnership.

As the First House is the house of self, the Seventh is the House of others.

Social relationships and partnerships, especially marriage is influenced here as are our relationships with the community in general.

Both friends and enemies are illustrated in this house.





Transformation through sex and death, needs and external resources.

The Eighth House is traditionally the house of death.

It can be more accurately described as the house of regeneration where we shed the baggage that retards our development to make room for that which aids us in our progression.

It is also related to finance especially business ventures as it strips away all but the essential.

As the Fifth House is related to romance - the Eighth House is related to sex.





Long distance travel, religion and higher education, philosophy.

The Ninth House is that of religion and philosophies.

It covers long journeys - and spiritual development is, perhaps, the longest journey.

Higher education and insight are illustrated in the Ninth House after the dross has been removed in the Eighth.





Social position, career and work in general.

The Tenth House is related to the concrete professional achievements in life, practical vision and also clairvoyance.

A powerful house that often defines a reputation and a careers success.

Planets transiting this house can often provide flashes of clarity and insight.





Social acquaintance through career and true friendship.

The Eleventh House is where individual self expression transmutes through mental growth into the larger community of humanity.

It is here where dreams and visions are put to work. Social and political ideals find their zenith through this house.

Ill placed planets here will cause difficulty in social integration.





Hidden friends and enemies, Karma. Seclusion

The Twelfth House is that of Karma - the doctrine of cosmic balance.

The most subtle and spiritual of the houses this is where the world of the psyche and dreams grows from the physical world.

As the karmic wheel turns it is also the house of sacrifice and acceptance - dissolving the material in the cauldron of the spirit.






Each astrological chart and the interpretation is derived from various elements - find out more on these components below:

The Astrological Ascendant

The Midheaven or Medium Coeli in Astrology

The Elements and Qualities in Astrology

The Aspects in Astrology

The Houses in Astrology

The Zodiac Signs

The Planets in Astrology

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