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Healing Headaches

By J A Simms


Healing Headaches with the power of your mind is not only possible it is natural. There is certainly nothing wrong with taking aspirin or other painkillers to help ease a headache but there are other ideas and internal processes you can take to ease the pain. Use these approaches and ideas along side of any medication you may be using from your doctor or pharmacist.

Transform Your Headache

First off, start thinking in terms of transforming the headache, instead of getting rid of it. Getting rid of it just adds more mental noise and judgment. Shift your attention from judging the headache to transmuting it.

Explore Your Headache

Next, explore what a headache really is. Do not explore your idea of it - instead explore it. Feel it. It is there right? Feel it. Get a sense of the sensation. Go into it. It has been said many times that what you resist persists, and what you embrace you can erase. Approach your headache in this fashion. Give into it.

Giving into it is surrendering to the fact that you have a headache. It does not mean you are being self-destructive. This does not mean you truly want to feel pain. It just means that you want to accept the pain that you are feeling now.

Accept Your Headache

Acceptance opens the door for a more spacious feeling in your brain. Acceptance of an headache gives a sensation of openness, and that is what brings about the healing process. Openness is peace of mind. Openness is a calmness that surrounds the headache. Feel a sense of openness amidst the headache. This is how you heal headaches.

Heal your Headache

Healing headaches is not difficult, because openness is your natural resting state of awareness. Openness is like the ocean; your headache is like a floating piece of seaweed. Rest in the ocean and the headache will become far less intense.

So, the trick to healing headaches is to let the seaweed (headache) float in a sea of awareness. Be the observer of your headache, instead of being trapped in it. Being trapped in a headache is the pain. Stepping outside of the headache is freedom from it.

The best time to practice this is when you do not have a headache. Pretend that you do have one, from time to time. This may sound strange but it works. Feel your head. Feel as if you have a headache and then try to get a sense of being larger than the headache.

Then, next time you have a real headache, you will have gained some skills. Healing headaches happens when you become bigger than the pain. Not bigger in the sense of being able to withstand the pain; just bigger in the sense of feeling bigger, feeling more expansive.

By all means, continue to take aspirin. But at a certain point you may find it not necessary. The power of the mind is a wonderful thing

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