Weboteric - Mind Body & Soul

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Alternative or complimentary medicine and therapies are becoming more popular as research discovers that they can make a real contribution to restoring health

Alternative or Complimentary Medicine


high blood pressure greatly increases your chances of heart disease, heart attacks, and strokes and it is important to take what steps you can to lower your blood pressure

High Blood Pressure and Hypertension


Here are some suggestions if you find your tendency to worry if affecting the quality of your life mentally, emotionally and physically.

Stress Reduction


Welcome to Weboteric, here you will find help and information for body, mind and soul.


If you are interested in astrology you will find more than just the signs of the zodiac, I also cover the planets, relationships and love are touched on in the synastry section. I no longer offer personal birth charts and horoscopes to the public but I hope you will find some interest in my guide to astrology. I've also put some links to Astrology Web Sites that I think are well worth a visit.


For your body there are new and original articles on health and alternative medicine and treatments It probably will not be a surprise for you that many of the articles are aimed at alternative or complementary therapies rather than just conventional treatments.

The information given on this website, is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. If you have a medical problem, or are taking prescribed medication, please consult with your doctor.

Finally, you may have been here before and noticed some changes on the site from the last time you visited. Like many sites, it is still being re-developed and more things I think are interesting will be online soon - so do check back!


Val Harrison

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